Prepare to worship

It has been a good week at CHCC.  We are receiving great comments about the new website and some helpful recommendations about it also.  Keep the comments and the e-mails coming.

This week’s message will be from Isaiah 1 as we begin a short series on biblical worship.  The first couple of weeks will be on our own preparation to worship and what worship is.  The evangelical church must re-examine what true worship is and begin to conduct itself as worshippers of the true God in reverence, awe and respect and not as self seeking participants at a sporting or entertainment event.

Worship services are not about us and how we feel during or afterward but about God and His glory and whether we have approached His presence as He has prescribed.  He will not share His glory nor His worship with anyone else and that includes you and me.  God hates false worship!

But when we honor Him in praise, when He receives the glory from our singing and preaching, when the Father’s name is hallowed, then our worship time becomes our most treasured and meaningful moments of our lives.   The creation has fulfilled it’s purpose before it’s creator and it is most happy.  Let’s return to our purpose, to honor our creator together.

It should be an exciting series.  Come WORSHIP with us at CHCC on Sunday morning at 9:30 am.

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