Are we there yet?
“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” – the mantra every parent has come to hate while traveling with anxious kids. Growing up, our two older kids were only allowed to ask once, if we were there yet or ‘how far do we have, Dad’. That question just drove me batty and made the car trip longer. I thought of that statement this week as I was contemplating this past Sunday at CHCC. Our church met with Keith Hillard of Village Missions for the Sunday School hour for an informational update from the mission and to explore a status change between the mission agency and our church. Village Mission has supplied the last two Pastors at CHCC. God has used both of the Pastors and the agency to bless the Jefferson County area. The church has grown numerically and spiritually under their leadership and is poised to take a major step forward in it’s process of following Christ toward the great day of being presented to the Father as Christ’s bride. To that end, our church has begun a two year building program to expand and update our current facilities. We are in need of class rooms and a larger worship center. The current fellowship area and class rooms just do not allow us to minister to all those who call CHCC home and our weekly visitors. It is with great excitement that we look to God for wisdom, provision and unity over the next 2 years. Many questions have yet to be answered relative the expansion but know this, it is my intention to lead CHCC by seeking the face of God in every aspect of this exciting venture by preaching and teaching God’s Word as final authority and humbly submitting in prayer to His Spirit. We will begin this week by preaching from Ephesians 2:19-22 and see the similes of our church as new citizens, a new family and a temple. Christ will be finished with His church, His bride, when He presents her in splendor, blameless and holy without spot to Himself. We haven’t arrived yet. He is conforming us to His image daily as we submit to His Word and Spirit leading. It’s a process. God is at work, not as if He ever stopped, but He is making Himself more and more evident in the local church here in the Brookville area. It is exciting times to be a member at CHCC. Won’t you join us or at least pray for us as we continue our journey being conformed to His likeness as indiviuals and His church, ‘cuz, we ain’t there yet. Now quit your asking’.