In his own words.  These are lies?

In his own words. These are lies?

One final word about the movie “The Shack”.  The author of the book and the movie has now written a new book to explain his personal beliefs of theology, “Lies We Believe About God”.  We can now quit speculating about what the writer “really means” or is “trying to portray” in this movie, which has created some strong debate in the Christian community.  Every writer has a world view and therefore a view of theology and will essentially write from that perspective.  Here is a sampling of Young’s theology in his own words by certain chapter headings from his new book –  Chapter 2: “God is Good. I am not.” Chapter 3: “God is in control.” Chapter 13: “You need to get saved.” Remember these are ‘lies’ according to Young. It should serve as a warning to every discerning Christian that the underlying narrative of the “The Shack” is theologically questionable at best and heretical at worst. Young has done the church a favor in writing this book, as A. Lincoln said  “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”  See Challies review of Young’s new book here.  soli deo gloria!    

The movie ‘The Shack’ – exercise discernment church

The movie ‘The Shack’ – exercise discernment church

Soon to overwhelm the Christian church is the cinematic version of the book ‘The Shack”.  As I have stated in places before, as Pastor I urge you to exercise discernment in whether or not to see this movie or read the book.  It is replete with biblical flaws and some of them possibly eternally damaging.  Refer to this Tim Challies blog for a short warning of the concerns of the book and hence the movie. Not trying to be the church curmudgeon only a voice of a caring under-shepherd.  Discern church, discern! soli deo gloria!  

Boring church service?

Boring church service?

The Elders of Center Hill recently spent a Friday and Saturday together to seek the wisdom and direction of the Lord for our church.  What a great time with these guys.  The cabin, food and fellowship was exactly what this sometimes tired Pastor needed. The hours we spent in prayer, searching God’s word and evaluating the Lord’s ministry at CHCC was very fruitful. Fruitful in the sense that God spoke and we were able to honestly assess our past decade and all the Lord has accomplished in and through us.  We also were able to see our shortsightedness in areas.  That proved to be the easiest part of our time together. Much more difficult proved to be ‘vision’ for the next few years.  We had to determine what changes needed to be made.  How could we connect better with our congregation?  What would help increase attendance in this or that ministry area?   We needed to be clever, to be fresh, to be innovative.  What were we missing? Several key changes, nuances really, were discussed and will be implemented.  Nothing earth shattering, no face lift of any ministry is coming.  We determined to remain faithful in obedience to word of God in all areas of ministry and personal growth, as we have tried in this past decade. To some, it might seem a let down, a less than ‘eye opening’ result for insight into our church’s future.  But to us, as under shepherds of our Lord’s flock, it brought comfort.  We were pleased.  We don’t need to be cutting edge, to be the next ‘movement’ in ministry ideas.  God’s word is our authority and our sufficiency in these matters.  It’s not glitz and clamor, it’s obedience and thankfulness that God requires of His people.   We are committed to His word and will by His grace moved forward in.  I came across a very encouraging article that I enjoyed and wanted to share.  It’s about ‘boring church services’ and their lasting affects on our souls.  Not that we have boring services but we don’t have to be the latest and newest in our methods to reach God’s covenant people with the good news of His redemptive story.  Read and enjoy. Boring church services changed my life soli deo gloria!

Are we really that busy?

Are we really that busy?

In recent times, I’ve occasionally excused my personal failing in my sermon prep, counseling, visiting or just plain pastoring on being overly busy.  Not sure that’s a biblical response.  I was truly blessed and convicted by Challies’ blog on ‘I’m not busy‘.  It’s here for you to read and reflect on.  God gives us the exact time we need to do what He has called us to do, no more, no less.  Let’s master our time wisely! soli deo gloria!  

Why are conferences so much better than church?

Why are conferences so much better than church?

Having just got back from the Ocean City Bible Conference and being immensely blessed by the speakers and fellowship, I was asking myself ‘why do we not seem as blessed each week in our own churches as we do when we go away to conferences’. Tim Challies, in this blog, I believe has the answer. It lies in our preparation for the conference and expectation of blessing. Read Challies and prepare each week at our own churches to be blessed. We may not hear conference quality preaching but it is God’s word nonetheless and if we expect and prepare to hear from God, we will. soli deo gloria!