NYC Ministries

NYC Ministries

One of our members, Sharon Haag, is currently on a missions trip to New York City.  She and her sister are serving through the NYC Ministries organization from July 18th thru 24th.  Sharon is involved this week with street evangelism, prayer booths, and sharing the gospel through a ‘religious questionnaire’, literally ‘taking her faith to the streets’.  What an honor for her and an encouragement to us to be involved in sharing and living our faith.   One of the posts on their web site just quoted, ‘ministry is the person in front of you’.  This should be the heart beat of each of us here in our local churches.  May we be so gripped by the grace of our Lord which He has extended to us personally that we find ourselves compelled to speak of that which we have seen and heard. You can check out daily reports from the streets of New York by logging in to NYC Ministries.