Move us, Lord.

Move us, Lord.

We are satisfied with our faith. We tolerate compromise. We accept mediocrity in ourselves and in others. The status quo is ok. ………….Lord, move us from our complacency. For too long, the church has accepted weak preaching, a diluted gospel and ambiguous theology. Forgive us God. We have turned deaf ears to the cry of the unborn, blind eyes to unholy marital unions, and approved with our silence the deaths of foreign martyrs. Holy Spirit convict us. Let this year be the year for true belief and action in our churches. Let it begin at Center Hill church. May this be the year that some climb off the Christian church fence and believe in Jesus, may they receive Christ.  May we each see Him as our all sufficient One, our Thirst Quencher, our fulfillment of every desire of our heart, thus becoming Christians. And then let us take action. Action to make disciples, to bind wounds, to feed the hungry, to call out sin and meet it with grace. May we seek justice and righteousness for His name’s sake. May this be the year, that you move us from our complacency Lord. soli deo gloria

New City Catechism

New City Catechism

What do I believe and why do I believe it? That is a very important question to ask ourselves. The answer to that question is simple and yet profoundly important.  What we believe leads to how we act. How we act leads us to an eternal destiny. For that reason, our church has committed itself to teach sound theology to our families, to our visitors and to our neighbors. Catechism, a word that strikes fear or ambivalence in many in the contemporary church. It shouldn’t.  It simply means ‘to teach orally’ usually in a ‘question and answer’ format. It has been used by the church for hundreds of years as a proven way to teach generations the tenets of the faith, what we believe and why. This year, Center Hill Community Church has committed to catechize each other; leaders and congregants, teachers and students, and parents and children. We have chosen the New City Catechism. It offers a very fresh look at the ancient truths of the faith. The NCC presents 52 questions, one per week, with an answer. It also offers a proof text, a written commentary, a short video commentary and a prayer.  We have encouraged our folks to use it in family devotions and each week we will use the question and response during our worship service. We’ve included the link to the Catechism on our web site and invite every one to join us in our journey of faith this year. soli deo gloria